Important Statistics on Email Marketing

statistics on email marketing

Email marketing is an effective tool that can turn your audience into loyal customers. Additionally, it helps build brand awareness and boost sales.

Emails are an effective tool for communication with your customers, so it’s essential to monitor and optimize their performance. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some statistics on email marketing that can help you get started.

1. Open Rate

The open rate of your email marketing campaign is an important metric that measures how well content has gotten subscribers to click and read it. This statistic can help determine how effective your subject lines are and what types of material resonate most with subscribers.

This metric can help you monitor the success of your email strategy and identify areas for improvement. For instance, sending emails at an inappropriate day and time may result in lower open rates.

Another important factor affecting your open rates is the quality of your contact list. If there are outdated contacts on there, they will be less likely to open and read your emails.

Re-engaging outdated and irrelevant contacts through simple re-engagement campaigns can help increase your open rate by keeping only quality, interested, and current customers on your list. This also serves to protect you from getting bombarded with junk email or spam messages in the long run.

2. Click-Through Rate

The click-through rate (CTR) of an email marketing campaign is a critical metric for measuring the success of your content. It can give you insight into how well-crafted subject lines and call-to-action buttons are, as well as give you information on how subscribers are responding to your emails.

A high CTR is an indicator of your campaigns’ success, while a low one suggests room for improvement. Elements like copy, subject line, and prominent placement of CTAs all influence click-through rates.

There are a few ways to increase your click-through rates (CTRs), such as including incentivized deals in your emails. This strategy has long been employed by email marketers to foster engagement with their subscribers and boost conversion rates.

Another strategy to boost the click-through rate of your email campaigns is sending fewer emails per month or week. Marketers who send fewer messages tend to see better average open and click-through rates.

3. Abandoned Cart Rate

The abandoned cart rate is the percentage of shoppers who add items to their shopping carts but don’t complete checkout. While this issue is common among online stores, email marketing can help win back these customers by reminding them about your offers.

Remarketing email campaigns sent to customers based on their abandoned cart can help you recover lost revenue and boost brand loyalty. The most successful abandoned cart emails are personalized, dynamic, and timely.

Optimize the efficiency of your remarketing email by sending it within 30 minutes after a shopper visits your site. Make it personal by including product images of items they added to their cart along with descriptions and links.

Additionally, make sure the shopper can contact you or your customer support team easily if they are using a mobile device. Doing this ensures they can quickly get the assistance they need and is an important abandoned cart email best practice.

4. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate of email marketing indicates the success of your emails in terms of driving sales or other important objectives. It’s one of the most crucial metrics to measure, determining your ROI on email marketing.

Conversion rates differ based on your industry, the size of your business, the types of emails sent out and more. However, an average conversion rate can give you a good indication of how well your emails are performing.

Calculating your conversion rate involves first identifying the goal action your subscribers are pursuing, then dividing that number by the total number of delivered emails.

Once you select which conversion rate you wish to track, you must then decide whether all sent emails or just those which resulted in a click through should be used as the basis. This allows for more comprehensive measurements that assess the effectiveness of your subject line, copy, and deliverability as well as insights into which aspects of your email strategy generate the highest ROI.